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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

national park parc national (parc gardé et...
national parks authority eaux et forêts (autorité res...
national police headquarters quartier général de la polic...
national product produit national (total de t...
national religious movement le mouvement national religi...
national religious party parti national religieux, le...
national resurgence réapparition nationale, résu...
national savings épargne national (total des ...
national science foundation network n. nsfnet, national science ...
national security pension la cotisation de la sécurité...
national service service national
national soccer lottery loterie nationale, loto
national socialism le nazisme, national sociali...
national socialist party le parti national socialiste...
national stadium le stade national (l'hippodr...
national team équipe nationale
national television standards committee "national television standar...
national theater théâtre national, théâtre co...
national treasure n. trésor national
national treasury n. trésor national
national trust société pour la conservation...
national unity government gouvernement d'unité nationa...
national university n. université nationale
national water carrier service national des eaux, s...
national water conduit conduit national de l'eau, s...
national wealth n. richesse nationale
national welfare n. protection nationale
national wildlife "national wildlife", magazin...
national wildlife federation fédération nationale pour le...
national-socialist national-socialiste, nazi; m...
national-socialist regime nazisme, régime national soc...
nationalisation n. nationalisation, naturali...
nationalise v. nationaliser, devenir cit...
nationalism n. nationalisme, patriotisme
nationalist n. nationaliste, personne pa...
nationalistic adj. nationaliste, relatif a...
nationalistically adv. de façon nationaliste
nationality n. nationalité, citoyenneté;...
nationalization n. nationalisation; naturali...
nationalize v. nationaliser, devenir cit...
nationalized adj. nationalisé, naturalisé...
nationally adv. de façon nationale
nationals and foreigners n. nationaux et étrangers
nationhood n. statut de nation indépend...
nationless adj. sans nation
nations of the world les nations de la globe terr...
nationwide adj. répandu dans tout le pa...
natis n. natis, postérieur
native n. originaire; indigèneadj. ...
native american indien, indien d'amérique
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