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French translation for "skeptical"

[ 'skeptikəl ] 
adj. sceptique, douteux
Example Sentences:
1."A Skeptical Look at Karl Popper".
"Introduction à la lecture de Karl Popper".
2.Ryld, though skeptical at first, eventually believes him.
Sceptique au début, Vaan finit par le croire.
3.Though skeptical, Barry released his prisoners.
Bien que sceptique, Barry fait relâcher ses prisonniers.
4.However, other scientists were more skeptical.
Néanmoins, d'autres scientifiques furent plus sceptiques.
5.However, the bishop is skeptical.
Cependant, le Vatican reste sceptique.
6.However, newspapers were skeptical.
Les journaux, en revanche, se montraient sceptiques.
7.The Senate is skeptical of the Young Jedi Knights' stories.
Article détaillé : Les Jeunes Chevaliers Jedi.
8.Tyrion is skeptical, but agrees to do so.
Tyrion est sceptique, mais accepte d'en parler à sa famille.
9.Doggett is skeptical, but Scully hears him out.
Doggett est enclin à le croire mais Scully se méfie.
10.However, journalists' reactions have been skeptical or mixed.
Les journalistes ont cependant eu des réactions mitigées ou sceptiques.
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