a n. a, first letter of the en... | a fortiori adv. a fortiori | a priori n. apriorism, apriority | a3 a3, a standard european size... | a4 a4, paper that is a standard... | aage bohr n. aage bohr, aage niels boh... | aar n. aar, river in central and... | aaron n. aaron, older brother of m... | aaronique adj. aaronic, of or belongin... | ab n. ab, eleventh month of the... | aba n. aba, male first name (heb... | aba eban n. aba eban (1915-2002, born... | abaca n. abaca, philippine plant w... | abaissable adj. degradable, reduceable ... | abaissement n. diminution, decrease, low... | abaisser v. diminish, lower, push dow... | abaisseur adj. depressor, muscle that ... | abalone n. abalone, edible sea mollu... | abandon n. resignation, waiver, act ... | abandonnant n. leaver, one who abandons | abandonnataire n. abandonee, one that has b... | abandonnement n. dereliction, neglecting o... | abandonner v. desert, abandon; retire, ... | abaque n. abacus, frame holding bar... | abasie n. abasia, inability to walk... |
| abasourdi adj. dazed, thunderstruck; a... | abasourdir v. dumb, dumbfound; stun, da... | abat-jour n. lampshade, shade placed o... | abat-son n. sounding-board | abat-vent n. louvre-board | abat-voix n. sounding board, board wit... | abats n. giblets, entrails of a fo... | abattage n. slaughter, killing of an ... | abattage des arbres n. felling, chopping down of... | abattant n. flap, loose back and fort... | abattement n. dejection, depression, de... | abattement maladif n. morbidness, quality of be... | abatteur n. lopper, person or thing t... | abattis n. abatis, barricade made of... | abattis de maisons n. heap of fallen houses | abattoir n. slaughterhouse, place whe... | abattre v. pull down, knock down, ki... | abattre qqn v. shoot someone dead | abattu adj. weary, worn out, exhaus... | abaya n. abaya, lake in ethiopia d... | abba abba, "father" (hebrew); nam... | abbas n. abbas, arabic name | abbatial adj. abbatial | abbatiale n. abbey, monastery administ... |