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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

balance des forces au pouvoir n. balance of power, state o...
balance des paiements n. balance of payments, paym...
balance romaine n. steelyard
balancement n. swaying, rocking, sway
balancer v. swing, rock, balance; cou...
balancer le pour et le contre weigh up the pros and the co...
balancier n. balancer, beam; pendulum
balaou n. billfish, any of the many...
balayage n. sweeping, sweep; scan, sc...
balayer v. sweep, brush, broom; scan
balayette n. brush, sweeper
balayeur n. sweeper, sweep
balayures n. sweepings
balboa n. balboa, silver coin used ...
balbutiant adj. stammering
balbutiement n. stammering, stammer
balbutier v. stammer out, stammer
balbuzard n. osprey, type of large haw...
balcon n. balcony, gallery; circle,...
baldaquin n. baldachin, tester; perman...
baleine n. whale, stretcher, blower,...
baleinier n. whaling ship
balestron n. sprit, boom or pole or sp...
balfour n. balfour, family name; lor...
bali n. bali, island in indonesia
balinais adj. balinese, of or pertain...
balisage n. beacon, lighthouse, guide...
balise n. beacon, marker; tag (inte...
balise flottante n. buoy
balise meta n. meta tag (computers)
balise radar n. radar beacon
baliser v. buoy; beacon
baliste n. ballista
balisticien n. ballistician, expert on b...
balistique adj. ballistic, pertaining t...
balistocardiogramme n. ballistocardiography, rec...
balistocardiographie n. ballistocardiography, rec...
baliverner v. twaddle, babble, utter tw...
balivernes n. twaddle, nonsense
balkan n. balkan, of or pertaining ...
balkanique adj. balkan
balkanisation n. balkanization, breaking u...
balkaniser v. balkanize, partition an a...
balkans n. balkans, countries locate...
ballade n. ballad
ballant adj. sexually promiscuous, s...
ballast n. ballast, roadbed, metal
ballaster v. ballast
balle n. bullet, bale; ball, chaff...
balle au mur fives
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