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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

carlsbad n. carlsbad, city in new mex...
carlton n. carlton, male first name;...
carmagnole n. carmagnole
carmel n. carmel, mountainous regio...
carmen n. carmen, male or female na...
carmin adj. carminen. carmine, crim...
carminatif adj. carminative, serving to...
carnac n. carnac, a commune in sout...
carnage n. carnage, slaughter, blood...
carnassier adj. carnivorousn. carnivoro...
carnassiers n. carnivora, family of meat...
carnauba n. carnauba, type of wax
carnaval n. carnival
carne n. tough meat, meat that is ...
carnet n. notebook, book, pocket bo...
carnet de commande n. order book
carnet de deuil n. obituary
carnet de route n. log book, journal, book i...
carnet de versement n. paybook
carnet de vol n. log
carnification n. carnification, process by...
carnivore adj. carnivorous, meat-eatin...
carnosine n. carnosine, chemical subst...
caro n. caro, family name; joseph...
carol n. caroll, family name; loui...
carole n. carole, female first name
carole lombard n. carole lombard (1908-1942...
caroline n. caroline, group of island...
caroline du nord n. north carolina, state in ...
caroline du sud n. south carolina, sc, state...
caroll n. caroll, family name; loui...
carolyn bessette kennedy n. carolyn bessette kennedy ...
caroncule n. caruncle, fleshy growth (...
carotide n. carotid, either of two la...
carotidien adj. carotid, pertaining to ...
carotin n. carotin, carbohydrate whi...
carotinoide n. carotinoid, red or yellow...
carotte adj. carroty, carrot-like; o...
carotter v. blackmail, extort (inform...
caroube n. locust, carob, locust bea...
caroubier n. carob tree
carpates n. carpathians, carpathian m...
carpatien adj. carpathian, of or perta...
carpe n. carp, carpus
carpectomie n. carpectomy
carpelle n. carpel, female reproducti...
carpentras n. carpentras, family name; ...
carpette n. rug, doormat; mat; rag
carpien adj. carpaln. carpal
carpophage adj. carpophagous, feeds on ...
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