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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

cruellement adv. cruelly, in a heartless...
crummel n. crummel, family name
cryochirurgie n. cryosurgery, use of very ...
cryolite n. cryolite
cryptage n. coding, process of encodi...
crypte n. crypt, vault
crypter v. code, write in code, tran...
cryptogramme n. cryptogram
cryptographie n. cryptography, writing or ...
cryptologie n. cryptology, science of co...
csa fcc, french broadcasting reg...
csao casd, computer-aided sound d...
csce csce, european conference fo...
csen group of teachers' unions
csg supplementary social securit...
cte count; earl cte (comte)
ctesse countessctesse (comtesse)
cu urban commiteecu (communau...
cuba n. cuba, island country in t...
cubage n. measurement, cubage; asse...
cubain adj. cuban, of or from cuba
cube n. brick, block; cube
cuber v. cube, raise to the third ...
cubique adj. cubic, three-dimensiona...
cubisme n. cubism, nonrepresentation...
cubiste adj. cubistic, pertaining to...
cubital adj. cubital, pertaining to ...
cubitus n. ulna, bone of the forearm...
cucul adj. stupid, idiotic, ridicu...
cueillette n. picking, gathering
cueilleur n. picker, gatherer, cullend...
cueillir v. pick, pluck, gather; stea...
cuiller n. spoon, utensil that has a...
cuir n. leather; hide (slang)
cuir brut n. rawhide
cuir chevelu n. scalp
cuir de veau n. calf, calfskin
cuir verni n. patent leather
cuir vert n. rawhide
cuirasse n. cuirass, armor that prote...
cuirassement n. cuirassier
cuirasser v. armour; enclose, surround...
cuire v. cook, bake; curry, sting;...
cuire en civet v. stew
cuisant adj. burning, stinging
cuisine n. kitchen, cooking, cuisine
cuisiner v. cook, prepare food by hea...
cuisinier n. cook, chefadj. cooker, st...
cuissard n. leather shorts, cycling s...
cuissardes n. thigh boots; waders (fish...
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