f n. f, six letter of the engl... | fa n. f, musical note | fab fob, free on board, term whi... | fabian adj. fabian, preferring to d... | fabiana n. fabiana, female first nam... | fabius n. fabius, family name; male... | fable n. fable, tale | fabricant n. manufacturer, maker | fabricant de brosses n. brush maker | fabricant de chaussures n. shoemaker | fabricateur n. fabricator, one who fabri... | fabrication n. manufacturing, fabricatio... | fabrication de filets n. netting | fabrication de fourrure n. furriery | fabrice n. fabrice, male first name | fabrique n. factory, plant; mill | fabrique de conserve n. cannery | fabriquer v. manufacture, make; produc... | fabriquer de la fausse monnaie v. counterfeit coin | fabriquer du malt v. malt | fabulateur n. romancer, author of poems... | fabulation n. fantasizing, fabulation | fabuler v. romance, have a love affa... | fabuleusement adv. fabulously, unbelievabl... | fabuleux adj. fabulous, fabled |
| fabuliste n. fabulist, a person who te... | fac n. (informal) univ., faculty... | face n. face; front; obverse | facette n. facet, side, bezel | facetter v. facet, cut and polish the... | facial adj. facial, of or pertainin... | facile adj. easy, simple, effortles... | facilement adv. easily, facilely, readi... | faciliter v. facilitate, ease; smooth,... | faciliter le chemin v. smooth the way | facing n. facing | facteur n. postman; factor, coeffici... | facteur en douane n. customs agent | facteur premier n. prime factor, postmanprim... | facteur principal n. mainspring | factice adj. artificial, false; dumm... | facticement adv. artificially | factieux adj. factious | faction n. faction, shift | factionnaire n. sentry, guard, sentinel, ... | factionnalisme n. factionalism | factitif adj. factitive | factorielle n. factorial, total of an in... | factoring n. factoring |