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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

griffon n. griffon
griffonnage n. scribble, scrawl, doodle
griffonner v. scribble, sketch; scratch...
griffonner distraitement v. doodle
griffonneur n. scribbler
griffure n. scratch, scrape, abrasion
grignotage n. erosion, wearing away
grignotement n. nibbling, gnawing, consta...
grignoter v. nibble
grignoteur n. nibbler, someone or somet...
grigny n. grigny, city in france
grigori raspoutine n. grigori rasputin (1869-19...
grigri n. lucky, bringing good fort...
gril n. grill, broiler, gridiron
gril au gaz n. gas grill
grill n. barbecue, grill
grillade n. grillage
grillage n. wire netting, barbed wire...
grillager v. surround with a wire fenc...
grillardin n. griller, one who cooks on...
grille n. grille, grate, gate, grid...
grille de classement n. scale of classification
grille-pain n. toaster
griller v. toast, grill, roast, burn...
griller au charbon de bois v. barbecue
griller de la viande v. grill meat, broil meat
griller du pain v. toast some bread
griller par le gel v. frost
grilloir n. grill, device composed of...
grillon n. cricket, leaping insect w...
grimace n. grimace, mow, grin, wince
grimacer v. grimace, wince, pucker, g...
grimer v. make up
grimm n. grimm, family name; jakob...
grimpant adj. creeping, climbing, ram...
grimper v. clamber, climb, crawl; ra...
grimpereau n. nuthatch, small blue-gray...
grimpeur adj. climbingn. climber, one...
grimpeur de montagne n. mountaineer
grinberg n. grinberg, family name
grincement n. grating, creaking; scratc...
grincer v. creak, squeak, scratch; g...
grincer des dents v. gnash, grind the teeth to...
grincheusement adv. crankily, grumblingly
grincheux adj. grumpy, grouchy; ruthle...
gringalet n. weakling, stripling
griotte n. morel, small edible mushr...
grippage n. act of taking by force, s...
grippe n. flu, influenza, grippe, r...
grippe asiatique n. asian flu
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