n n. n, 14th letter of the alp... | na na, sodium, silver white met... | naamat na'mat (israeli women's orga... | nabab n. nabob, viceroy (in india) | nabis n. nabis, a group of 19th-ce... | nabot adj. dwarfishn. manikin, dwa... | naboth n. naboth, naboth the jezree... | nabuchodonosor n. nebuchadnezzar, babylonia... | nacelle n. nacelle, basket or car su... | nacre n. mother of pearl, iridesce... | nadia n. nadia, female first name;... | nadia comaneci n. nadia comaneci (born 1961... | nadir n. nadir, point opposite the... | naevus n. birthmark, mark on the sk... | nafso n. nafso, family name | naftali n. naftali, jacob's fifth so... | nagana n. nagana, disease affecting... | nagasaki n. nagasaki, seaport in sout... | nage n. stroke, swim | nage indienne n. side stroke, type of form... | nage libre n. freestyle, type of swim c... | nage sur le dos n. backstroke, swimming stro... | nageoire n. fin, organ attached to va... | nager v. swim, propel oneself thro... | nager avec un tube respiratoire v. snorkel |
| nager comme un poisson v. swim like a fish | nager contre le courant v. swim against the current,... | nager la brasse v. do the breast stroke | nager le crawl v. do the crawl | nager sur le dos v. backstroke, swimming stro... | nageur n. swimmer, one who propels ... | nageur de combat n. naval frogman | nageuse n. oarswoman, woman who rows... | naginata n. naginata, martial art, po... | naguib n. naguib, male first name (... | nahal n. nahal, special unit in is... | nahman n. nahman, male first name (... | nahuatl n. nahuatl, member of one of... | nahum n. nahum, prophet of the sev... | nain adj. dwarfn. dwarf, manikin,... | nairobi n. nairobi, capital city of ... | naissance n. birth, act of being born,... | naissance des cheveux n. hairline | naissant adj. nascent, incipient, gro... | najib n. najib, male first name (a... | nakoura n. nakoura, settlement in so... | naloxone n. naloxone, nonaddictive sy... | namfrel namfrel, national movement f... | namibie n. namibia, country in south... |