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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

p n. p, 16th letter of the eng...
p-s p.s., post script, additiona...
p-v statement, allegationp-v (p...
p2p peer to peer, friend to frie...
pa small adspa (petites annon...
pablo n. pablo, spanish name; pabl...
pablo neruda n. pablo neruda (1904-1973 b...
pac cap, common agricultural pol...
pacage n. pasture, grazing
pacane n. pecan, type of nut; hicko...
pacanier n. pecan, type of nut, hicko...
pace maker n. pacemaker
pacemaker n. pacemaker, device inserte...
pacha n. pasha, high-ranking turki...
pachto n. pashto
pachydermate adj. pachydermatous, having ...
pachyderme n. pachyderm, large and thic...
pachydermie n. pachydermia, thickening o...
pachysandre n. pachysandra, any of vario...
pacifica n. pacifica, city in califor...
pacificateur adj. pacifying, calming, app...
pacification n. pacification, pacifying
pacifier v. pacify, calm
pacifique n. pacific ocean, large ocea...
pacifiquement adv. peacefully, pacifically...
pacifisme n. pacifism, love of peace, ...
pacifiste n. pacifist, lover of peace;...
pacini n. pacini, family name
pack n. pack, pack ice
pack de six n. six-pack, group of six it...
packager n. packager
packaging n. packaging, wrapping in wh...
pacotille n. rubbish, cheap junk
pacs n. civil pact of the solidar...
pacte n. alliance, treaty; agreeme...
pactiser v. enter into a pact, strike...
pactiser avec un crime v. compound a felony
pactole n. gold mine, underground ex...
paddock n. paddock, enclosure
paddy n. paddy
padoue n. patavium, a city in venet...
padouk n. padouk, tree native to so...
paf french broadcasting scene"p...
pagaie n. paddle, oar
pagaille n. mess, shambles, hash
pagailleux adj. untidy, disorderly
paganiser v. paganize, cause to become...
paganisme n. paganism, heathenism, bel...
pagayer v. paddle, row, push a vesse...
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