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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

qualifiable adj. liable to qualify
qualificateur n. qualifier, modifier; word...
qualificatif adj. qualifying, training, m...
qualification n. qualification, definition
qualifications professionnelles n. professional qualificatio...
qualifier v. qualify, consider
qualifier qqn de v. dub
qualitatif adj. qualitative, pertaining...
qualitativement adv. qualitatively, from a q...
qualitativiste adj. qualitativist
quan long n. quan long, city in southw...
quand adv. when, whenever, whereve...
quand on parle du loup on en voit la queue talk of the devil
quant prep. quanti
quanta n. quantum, amount; basic un...
quantifiable adj. quantifiable, having an...
quantificateur n. quantifier
quantification n. quantification, quantizat...
quantifier v. quantify, determine quant...
quantile n. quantile
quantitatif adj. quantitative, pertainin...
quantitativement adv. quantitatively, from a ...
quantum n. quantum, basic unit of ra...
quarantaine n. quarantine; about forty
quarante adj. fortyn. forty
quark n. quark, hadron, elementary...
quart adj. forth, forward, further...
quart de adj. quarter
quart de cercle n. quadrant, quarter of a ci...
quart de finale n. quarter-final
quart de livre n. quarter pound
quart de pinte n. noggin, gill
quart de travail n. shift work
quart-monde n. quarter world, collective...
quarter v. quarter, divide into 4 eq...
quarterback n. quarterback, player who r...
quarteron n. handfull, small bunchn. q...
quartet n. quartet, group of four; m...
quartette n. quartette, group of four;...
quartier n. neighborhood, district, q...
quartier bourgeois n. residential area
quartier chinois n. china town, quarter chino...
quartier de new york n. staten island
quartier des affaires n. business district
quartier latin n. latin quarter, neighborho...
quartier rouge n. red-light district
quartiers pauvres n. slum, densely populated p...
quarto adv. quarto, of the quarto s...
quartz n. quartz, silicon dioxide, ...
quartzeux adj. quartzose, of or relati...
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