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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

quartzique adj. quartziferous, quartzos...
quartzite n. quartzite, metamorphic ro...
quartzitique adj. quartzose, of or relati...
quasar n. quasar, quasi-stellar obj...
quasi adv. almost; quasi
quasiment adv. almost, nearly, closely
quasimodo n. quasimodo, family name; i...
quasistellaire adj. quasistellar
quassia n. quassia
quaternaire adj. quaternary, composed of...
quaternion n. quaternion, foursome of r...
quatorze n. fourteenth, fourteenadj. ...
quatrain n. quatrain, poem of four li...
quatre n. fouradj. four
quatre vingt adj. eighty
quatre-vingt adj. eighty
quatre-vingt-dix adj. ninety
quatrillion n. quadrillion, 10 to the fi...
quatrilobe adj. quatrefoil, leaf with f...
quatrin n. quadrin, a small piece of...
quatriparti adj. quadripartite, divided ...
quatripartite adj. quadripartite, divided ...
quattrocento n. quattrocento
quatuor n. quartet, group of four; m...
que adv. howconj. that, than, wh...
que diable interj. what the deuce
que diable fais-tu what the devil are you doing
quechua n. quechua, language of the ...
queen latifah n. queen latifah (born 1970 ...
queens n. queens, one of the five b...
queensland n. queensland, state in nort...
quel adj. what, which, whichever,...
quel dommage interj. what a pity !
quel est le prix how much does it cost?
quel homme interj. what a man
quel idiot interj. what a fool
quel que adj. whatever
quel que soit celui qui pron. whichever
quel que soit le temps whatever the weather
quel que soit qui pron. whichever
quel sale temps interj. what a terrible weat...
quelconque adj. any, some; mediocre; no...
quelle pron. which
quelle heure est-il what time is it
quelle pagaille interj. what a mess
quelque adj. some, a fewadv. about, ...
quelque chose n. bite
quelque chose de louche n. monkey business
quelque part adv. somewhere, some place, ...
quelque part par ici adv. somewhere about
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