r n. r, 18th letter of the eng... | r avec ar recorded delivery0r avec ar... | r-d research-developmentr-d (r... | ra ra, radium, radioactive meta... | raanana n. raanana, ra'anana, town i... | rab n. seconds, second helping o... | rabais n. discount, price cut, reba... | rabaissement n. debasement, humiliation, ... | rabaisser v. abase, belittle, reduce | rabaisser le caquet de qqn v. take someone down a peg | raban de ferlage n. gasket | rabat n. rabat, capital city of mo... | rabat-joie n. killjoy, spoilsport, wet ... | rabattage n. beating, striking, hittin... | rabattement n. rabattement | rabatteur n. beater, one who beatsn. b... | rabattre v. shut down, turn down, sti... | rabattu adj. turned down, reduced in... | rabbah n. rabbah, old biblical capi... | rabbanite n. rabbi's wife, wife of the... | rabbi n. rabbi, jewish teacher or ... | rabbi akiva n. rabbi akibba, famous jewi... | rabbi guershom n. rabbi guershom, was head ... | rabbin n. rabbi | rabbinat n. rabbinate, jewish religio... |
| rabbinicalement adv. rabbinically, by rabbis | rabbinique adj. rabbinical, pertaining ... | rabbins n. rabbinate, jewish religio... | rabbo n. yasser abed rabbo | rabelais n. rabelais, family name; fr... | rabelaisien adj. rabelaisian, pertaining... | rabin n. rabin, family name; yitzh... | rabinovitch n. rabinovich, family name | rabiot n. seconds | rabique adj. rabic, pertaining to ra... | rabord n. cornucopiate, of or perta... | rabot n. plane, flat surface on wh... | rabotage n. planing, smoothing | raboter v. plane, shave | raboteur n. planer, machine that smoo... | raboteuse n. dresser, one that dresses... | raboteux adj. rugged, bumpy | rabotin n. dresser, bureau | rabougri adj. scrubby, shrunken, stun... | rabougrir v. shrivel, stunt | rabougrissement n. stuntedness, arrested gro... | rabrouer v. rebuff, snub, squash | rabrouer qqn v. snap someone's head off | racaille n. (derogatory) lower social... |