v n. v, 22nd letter of the alp... | va interj. go on, continue | va-et-vient n. seesaw motion, reciprocat... | va-nu-pied n. tramp, begger, ragamuffin | va-t-en interj. get on with you | vacance n. vacancy, abeyance | vacances n. holiday, vacation, recess | vacances parlementaires n. parliamentary vacation | vacances scolaires n. school holidays | vacances universitaires n. university recess | vacancier n. vacationer, holiday maker | vacant adj. vacant, unoccupied, voi... | vacarme n. din, racket, row; blare, ... | vacataire n. stand in, temporary | vacation n. session, meeting | vaccin n. vaccine, solution of weak... | vaccinable adj. vaccinable | vaccinal adj. vaccinal, of or related... | vaccinateur adj. vaccinatingn. vaccinato... | vaccination n. vaccination, act or insta... | vaccine n. vaccine, solution of weak... | vacciner v. vaccinate, inoculate, inj... | vache adj. bitchyn. cow, beef, rot... | vache jersiaise n. jersey cow | vache sauvage n. koodoo, kudu |
| vachement adv. (slang) damned, bloody,... | vachement content adj. chuffed | vacher n. cowboy, cowman, herdsman;... | vacherie n. rottenness, meanness, nas... | vachette n. young cow, calfskin | vacillant adj. shaky, vacillating, wav... | vacillation n. vacillation, hesitation | vacillement n. wobbling, wavering, vacil... | vaciller v. sway, shake, vacillate; t... | vaclav n. vaclav, male first name; ... | vacuolaire adj. vacuolar | vacuole n. vacuole, cavity filled wi... | vacuum n. vacuum, void, emptiness | vade mecum n. vade mecum | vadrouille n. ramble, promenade | vadrouiller v. prowl about, prowl, wande... | vadrouilleur n. rover, gadabout | vaduz n. vaduz, capital city of li... | vagabond adj. wandering, roaming, vag... | vagabondage n. wandering, roaming, rovin... | vagabondages n. wanderings, travels | vagabonder v. roam, rove; wander, range... | vagabondeur n. roamer, wanderer, drifter | vagal adj. vagal, of the vagus ner... |