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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

vagile adj. vagile
vagin n. (anatomy) vagina, canal l...
vaginal adj. (anatomy) vaginal, pert...
vaginalement adv. vaginally, via the cana...
vaginectomie n. vaginectomy, surgical rem...
vaginite n. vaginitis, inflammation o...
vaginotomie n. vaginotomy, surgical cutt...
vagir v. cry, wail, lament
vagissement n. cry, wail
vagissements n. wailing, lamenting
vague adj. hazy, vague, undefined;...
vague de chaleur n. heat wave
vague de fond n. groundswell
vague de froid n. cold spell, period of col...
vague de protestations n. wave of protests
vaguement adv. vaguely, indefinably, m...
vaguer v. wander, roam
vai vai, voluntary arbitration i...
vaillamment adv. bravely, courageously
vaillance n. courage, bravery, stoutne...
vaillant adj. brave, courageous, vali...
vain adj. vain; useless, worthles...
vaincre v. defeat, conquer, vanquish...
vaincu adj. defeated
vaine adj. vain, worthless, futile
vainement adv. vainly, in vain
vainqueur adj. victorious, winningn. v...
vair n. vair
vairon n. (zoology) minnow, small f...
vaisseau n. vessel, ship, boat
vaisseau amiral n. flagship
vaisseau de guerre n. warship, battleship, man ...
vaisseau sanguin n. blood vessel
vaisseau spacial n. space ship
vaisseau spatial n. spacecraft
vaisseaux sanguins n. blood vessels
vaisselier n. dresser, buffet
vaisselle n. dishes; crockery, tablewa...
val n. val, male first name (for...
valable adj. valid, applicable, legi...
valablement adv. valuably, helpfully, pr...
valachie n. wallachia, former princip...
valais n. valais, wallys, canton in...
valdez n. valdez, family name
valence n. valence, city in francen....
valenciennes n. valenciennes, city in fra...
valensa n. valensa, family name; lec...
valent adj. valent, having a specif...
valentin n. valentine, sentimental ca...
valentine n. valentina, female first n...
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