| 1. | It's bad enough to have to work in this light . 在这种光线下工作实在太苦了。 |
| 2. | He often work in a swelter . 他经常在酷热下工作。 |
| 3. | The supernumerary milkers of the lush green season had been dismissed . 牧草茁壮肥美的时季里,临时雇的挤奶工,也都下工了。 |
| 4. | They felt that they could not do their work, or would not be paid enough for doing it . 他们觉得没有办法工作了,或者是在这种条件下工作,得不偿失。 |
| 5. | It must work both at high altitudes where the temperature may be below freezing point and in the hot air of an airfield in the tropics . 它能在气温达冰点以下的高空工作,又能在热带地区机场的高温条件下工作。 |
| 6. | We used to say anyone working at the white house deserved double pay for functioning under combat conditions with danger on every land . 我们常常说,凡是在白宫工作的人都应领取双倍工资,因为他是在紧张条件下工作的,随时都有危险。 |
| 7. | Public works subcommittee of the finance committee 财务委员会辖下工务小组委员会 |
| 8. | 177cl - sha tin new town - remaining engineering works 177cl -沙田新市镇-馀下工程 |
| 9. | Control is designed to work in full trust only 控件仅用于在完全信任模式下工作。 |
| 10. | Work under repugnant prescription and order 在彼此不一致的指示和命令下工作。 |