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English translation for "商业争执"

business dispute

Related Translations:
争执:  disagree; dispute; contend with; be at odds with; stick to one's position 短语和例子与某人争执某事 have a dispute with sb. over sth.; 争执的问题 question in dispute; 争执点 point in dispute; 争执事件 matter in di
争执不下:  neither could convince the other.; each stands (holds) his ground.; each sticks to his guns.; each sticks to his own stand
劳资争执:  industrial di uteindustrial dispute
小争执:  miffminor disagreement
争执事项:  subject matter of the dispute
民事权利争执:  dispute concerning private rights
权限争执:  dispute of competency
缓和争执:  to ease frictions
争执点:  point in dispute
争执事由:  subject of dispute
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