| 1. | Please deliver the goods at your earliest convenience . 请尽早安排送货。 |
| 2. | Please reply at your earliest convenience . 请尽早答复。 |
| 3. | It will speed up delivery if you complete the official order-form . 填妥定单便于尽早送货。 |
| 4. | They've got to give you their best advice as early as possible . 他们应能尽早向你提出好建议。 |
| 5. | He would get rid of rogers and laird at the earliest opportunity . 只要有机会,他就会尽早抛弃罗杰斯和莱尔德。 |
| 6. | He would see her as soon as possible and get this business straightened out, and begin again from a new starting point . 他要尽早去找她,把这桩事了结一下,然后另起炉灶。 |
| 7. | Their joy at being once again united with their families did not overcome a stern desire to engage the enemy at the earliest moment . 他们与家人重新团聚的欢乐心情并未胜过他们要尽早与敌人周旋的坚定愿望。 |
| 8. | I ' d like to see him at his earliest convenience 我想尽早在他最方便的时候见他。 |
| 9. | Weed out the uncommitted whiners and complainers early 尽早剔除那些抱怨叫苦者。 |
| 10. | Every body just pay the money to keep yourself safety 大家还是尽早花钱买平安吧。 |