(形容令人愁闷凄惨的景象) gathering clouds and rolling mists; in miserable atmosphere
Example Sentences:
The news cast a deep gloom over the village 这消息使全村笼罩著一片愁云惨雾
In january and february of this year , el salvador was hit by two severe earthquakes that brought suffering to many victims 今年一二月间,萨尔瓦多接连发生二次大地震,许多灾民的生活立即陷入愁云惨雾之中。
Many people who have every conceivable reason to be happy , who have fulfilled their dreams and attained success , are miserable 很多人有各种令人信服的理由感到幸福,他们实现梦想,获得成功,却笼罩在愁云惨雾之中。
It is intended to remind young people not to forget who exactly they are and not to give up their life . the audience should be able to feel this theme from the evolution of the character 不过电影不是要卖弄愁云惨雾,相反,它是希望能以葵的遭遇作一反面教材,提醒年青人要认识真正的自己,不要放弃生命。