English translation for "筹 "
Ⅰ名词 1.(竹、木等制成的小棍或小片; 多用来计数或作凭证) tally; chip; counter 短语和例子 竹筹 bamboo chips 2.(计策; 办法) stratagem; means 短语和例子 一筹莫展 be without resources or expedients; be at a loss for an idea Ⅱ动词 (谋划; 筹措) prepare; plan 短语和例子 筹款 raise money [funds]; 统筹 over-all planning Ⅲ量词 (用于人, 多见早期白话) 短语和例子 六筹好汉 six big fellows Related Translations:筹策 : [书面语] (计谋策划) plan (procedures, moves)
Example Sentences: 1. We collected some money from our classmates . 我们从同学那里筹 到了一些钱。 2. All the grockett family were on the large side . 克罗特一家什么都能胜人一筹 。 3. Between them they raised $ 500 . 他们共筹 得500美元。 4. Plenty of refinancings are arranged at short notice . 许多资金都是临时就可以筹 得的。 5. The likelihood is, you'll need to raise more elsewhere . 很可能你还得从其他方面再筹 一些。 6. The funds are not forthcoming . 资金尚未筹 得。 7. They got one over us in the end by deciding to speak in german . 他们决定说德语,终于略胜我们一筹 。 8. It was something of a struggle to find the money to pay . 当时要筹 一笔支付款项在某种意义上讲是一件麻烦事。 9. I should like to buy a new car but have n't got the wherewithal . 我希望买一辆汽车,但是还没有筹 到这笔钱。 10. I bought a small boat , then he went one better and bought a yacht . 我买了一只小船,而他胜我一筹 ,购置了一艘游艇。
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