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English translation for "步履轻盈"

walk with a light step

Related Translations:
步履:  [书面语] (步行) walk
轻盈:  slim and graceful; lithe; lissom 短语和例子轻盈的微笑 a gentle smile; 轻盈优美 light and graceful; 动作轻盈 lissom movements; quick and graceful movements; 体态轻盈 with a slim and graceful figure; 笑语轻盈 talk an
步履生风:  stride (over) jubilantly
步履紊乱:  walk out of step -- in great confusion; in disorder
步履如飞:  with flying feet; walk very quickly
步履轻捷:  wingfooted
步履矫捷:  be fleet of foot; with great speed
步履轻快:  be light on one's feet ie agile or nimble
步履蹒跚:  teeter
体态轻盈:  a soft, well- rounded figure; a graceful carriage; a supple body
Example Sentences:
1.She said that duse has leaden feet, and that the perfect actors walked on air .
2.She was a good-looking woman, not more than eight-and-thirty, of fair complexion and sandy hair, well-shape, light-footed .
3.It was bessie , i knew well enough ; but i did not stir ; her light step came tripping down the path
4.It was bessie , i knew well enough ; but i did not stir ; her light step came tripping down the path
5.Presently the chambers gave up their fair tenants one after another : each came out gaily and airily , with dress that gleamed lustrous through the dusk
6.She moved like one of those bright beings pictured in the sunny walks of fancy s eden by the romantic and young , a queen of beauty unadorned save by her own transcendent loveliness
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