Admist these heats and dissensions, the trial of effie deans, after she had been many weeks imprisoned, was at length about to be brought forward . 就在这群情鼎沸的气氛中,被监禁了好几个星期的艾菲迪恩斯终于快要提审了。
A quiver of expectancy ran through the audience 全场引颈以待,群情鼎沸
A quiver of expectancy ran through the audience 全场引颈以待,群情鼎沸
Amidst these heats and dissensions , the trial of effie deans , after she had been many weeks imprisoned , was at length about to be brought forward 就在这群情鼎沸的气氛中,被监禁了好几个星期的艾菲?迪恩斯终于快要提审了。