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English translation for "进口管"

induction pipe
inlet pipe
inlet tube

Related Translations:
报进口:  enterentry inwardshientry
进口垄断:  import monopolies
进口信用证:  import creditimport letter of credit
进口水位:  entrance level
进口证明书:  importation certificate
管道进口:  conduit entrance
进口裙:  entry skirt
走私进口:  smuggle
进口成分:  imported contents
进口定额:  quantitative regulation of imports
Example Sentences:
1.The commercial product has threes compositions such as polymer film , tracheostomy tube and disposable inner cannula
2.Photocopy of the importpossession licence issued by this department or export permitcertificate of origin issued by the exporting country for certain specimens or products
3.Photocopy of the importpossession licence issued by this department or export permitcertificate of origin issued by the exporting country for certain specimens or products
4.Abstract : current situation of domestic seamless steel tube industry is detailed , covering such aspects as production , marketing , mill plants and product category . based on a comparison of domestic situation to those in developed countries in terms of mill plant and production capacity and on the performances of the imported pipes , current problems of domestic seamless steel tube industry are analyzed , and accordingly countermoves like changing market ideas , technological creation and optimizing product mix , etc
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