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English translation for "进口规定"

import regulation

Related Translations:
报进口:  enterentry inwardshientry
进口垄断:  import monopolies
进口信用证:  import creditimport letter of credit
进口水位:  entrance level
进口证明书:  importation certificate
管道进口:  conduit entrance
进口裙:  entry skirt
走私进口:  smuggle
进口成分:  imported contents
进口定额:  quantitative regulation of imports
Example Sentences:
1.Improve your import processes and compliance results
2.New import requirements introduced for live quail from the mainland to prevent avian flu h5 outbreak in hong kong
3.You can screen for denied parties , check import compliance , harmonise tariff codes , estimate landed cost and access shipping forms
4.You can screen for denied parties , check import compliance , harmonise tariff codes , estimate landed cost and access shipping forms
5.Easing import rules for agricultural commodities , facilitating record - setting sales of u . s . cotton to china in 2003 ( totaling nearly $ 740 million )
6.Import compliance is available on ups . com and through our web services technology , enabling you to access tradeability functionality through your web site or other systems to improve compliance with import regulations
7.Import compliance is available on ups . com and through our web services technology , enabling you to access tradeability functionality through your web site or other systems to improve compliance with import regulations
Import compliance可从ups . com以及透过我们的web services技术获得,让您能够透过您的网站或其他系统使用tradeability的功能,以协助您遵守进口规定
8.China has committed to fully abide by the terms of the wto agreement on sanitary and phytosanitary ( sps ) measures , which requires that all animal , plant , and human health import requirements be based on sound science - - not political agendas or protectionist concerns
有关卫生和植物检疫措施协议( sps )的条款。该协议要求所有与动植物和人体健康有关的进口规定必须以完善的科学为基础,而不是出于政治目的或保护主义的考虑。
Similar Words:
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