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English translation for "远大理想"

lofty ideal

Related Translations:
远大:  long-range; broad; ambitious 短语和例子远大的计划 a long-range plan; an ambitious plan; 远大的理想 lofty ideals; 前途远大 have a bright future; 眼光远大 be farsighted; have a broad vision
前程远大:  have the world before sb.; have a fine future; have brilliant prospects; have excellent prospects
远大的:  long-range
远大希望:  high hopes
志向远大:  one's aspiration is far-reaching
远大路:  yuanda rd
远大贸易:  maxport international
前途远大:  have a great futurehave the world before one
远大前程:  great expectations
眼光远大:  far- sighted [prescient] -- as a statesman
Example Sentences:
1.High expectations are the key to everything
2.High expectation are the key to every thing
3.After return , i still need to carry out my great ideal
4.Beggar a and b are surprised to ask , " what s your lofty ideal ?
甲乙二人顿感诧异问, “你的远大理想又是什么呢? ”
5.This year mourns the activity the subject is " brings honor to themartyrs spirit , sets up broadly is ideal "
今年悼念活动的主题是“弘扬先烈精神,树立远大理想” 。
6.According to my glass eye , a provocative autoreferential work , asks what eye we see through . the lens
《我镜片眼的福音》重提电影眼( kinoeye )这怀有远大理想的人力机器。
7.We aim high - we want people who set high goals are excited by the opportunity to achieve something significant
8.The founder of oocl , the late c y tung , dreamed of creating the first international chinese merchant fleet
9.Heroes dream big , translate their dreams into concrete goals , work hard to leave their legacy , remain flexible and never quit
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