Mr saakashvili knows that his country can never join nato , or claim full sovereignty , if it does not resolve the stand - offs with abkhazia and south ossetia 萨卡什维利知道如果不能打破在阿布哈兹和南奥塞梯的问题上的僵局,就无法保持主权的完整,更不可能加入北约。
A military assault on abkhazia or south ossetia would be ruinous , since russia has issued passports to most people in the provinces and promises to protect “ its ” citizens 假如对阿布哈兹和南奥塞梯动武的话,俄方显然不会坐视不管,况且俄已对这些省份的大多数居民发放了护照并承诺保护他们。
But the real issue , according to the prime minister , zurab nogaideli , is another one : control of commerce into two separatist enclaves that border on russia , south ossetia and abkhazia 不过,格鲁吉亚总理祖拉布.诺盖杰利认为,真正的问题出在分离主义者盘踞的南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹(均与俄罗斯接壤)的贸易控制权上。
Nato governments say that is because russia has not kept related pledges to pull all soldiers out of abkhazia and transdniestria ( where their jobs include guarding a huge ex - soviet weapons dump ) 北约成员国政府声称之所以没有批准该协议是因为俄罗斯并没有奉行将部队撤出阿布哈兹地区及德涅斯特河沿岸地区(部队的任务包括了看守这里大面积的前苏联遗留下来的军火垃圾场)的承诺。
Although the place has been under un administration for eight years , russia has argued that a self - declared independent kosovo will prompt other breakaway regions , such as abkhazia in georgia and transdniestria in moldova ( where russia still has some troops ) to follow suit 尽管科索沃在联合国管辖下已有八年之久,俄罗斯还是认为如果科索沃宣布独立势必会促使其他诸如格鲁吉亚阿布哈兹地区及摩尔多瓦的德涅斯特河沿岸地区(在该地区俄罗斯还驻扎着一些军队)也纷纷效仿。