Persistent bad breath may be a sign of periodontal disease , an abscessed tooth , chronic sinusitis , postnasal drip , chronic bronchitis , certain kinds of oesophageal problems , and other 持久的口腔异味可能是某种疾病的征兆,如牙龈病牙床脓肿慢性鼻窦炎后鼻漏慢性支气管炎或某些食道疾病及其他健康问题。
Persistent bad breath may be a sign of periodontal disease , an abscessed tooth , chronic sinusitis , postnasal drip , chronic bronchitis , certain kinds of oesophageal problems , and other health conditions 持久的口腔异味可能是某种疾病的征兆,如牙龈病牙床脓肿慢性鼻窦炎后鼻漏慢性支气管炎或某些食道疾病及其他健康问题。
Persistent bad breath may be a sign of periodontal disease , an abscessed tooth , chronic sinusitis , postnasal drip , chronic bronchitis , certain kinds of oesophageal problems , and other health conditions 持久的口腔异味可能是某种疾病的征兆,如牙龈病、牙床脓肿、慢性鼻窦炎、后鼻漏、慢性支气管炎或某些食道疾病及其他健康问题。