| 1. | We are not about to go through young pen's academical career very minutely . 小潘的大学生涯,我们不打算详细描述。 |
| 2. | A mistake in the academical inclination of modern history 试论当代历史学在学术取向上的失误 |
| 3. | Professor hou ren - zhi ' s academical life 侯仁之教授的学术人生 |
| 4. | Study of relationship between academical achievement and mental health of adolescents 青少年学习成绩与心理卫生关系的研究 |
| 5. | The above algorithms have very important academical value in either theory or in practicability 以上算法无论在理论研究还是实际应用方面都具有重要价值。 |
| 6. | As a concept with a very strong academical potential , evolution provides social frame for explaining and analyzing country society 摘要作为具有很强学术潜力的概念, “内卷化”提供了一个很有解释力的分析乡村社会的框架。 |
| 7. | It is , therefore , of academical and practical importance to investigate and to clarify the electrical fatigue mechanism of ferroelectrics by using on - line or in - situ technologies 采用现场或原位技术观测电疲劳过程中电畴的变化对研究和探明这类材料的电疲劳机理具有重大的理论指导意义和实际应用价值。 |
| 8. | A academical viewpoint was raised that five - shu acupoints and collaterals constitute a circulation system , which is independent relatively and besides the twelve meridians circulation system 提出了五输、络脉为同一循行体系的论点,由此设想建立一个在十二经循行以外的,相对独立的经络循行系统,即“五输穴络脉循行系统” 。 |
| 9. | Of these boys the aforesaid angel , the child of his old age , was the only son who had not taken a university degree , though he was the single one of them whose early promise might have done full justice to an academical training 在二个儿子中间,前面说到的安琪尔是牧师老来得到的儿子,也只有这个儿子没有大学学位,尽管从早年的天资看,只有他才真正配接受大学的学术训练。 |
| 10. | By analyzing the cultural atmosphere , singificance and value direction masked by contemporary writer ' s " hot - study of a dream of red mansions " , this article regards that writer ' s deconstruction for " a dream of red mansions " is not only the instructions and demand of academical writers ' s pursuit , but also the producer excruciation , introspection , reconstruction in his spiritual word in the atmosphere of the lost of traditional chinese culture and the marginalized literature condition 摘要通过对当代作家“红学热”现象所遮蔽下的文化环境与背景、内涵及价值指向之解析,认为当代作家对《红楼梦》的较集中解构不仅是作家追求学者化的先导与诉求,更是创作主体在传统文化精神的迷失与文学边缘化的境遇中,对其迷惘贫困的内在精神世界的拷问、反省与重建。 |