All adust and athirst , the two entered the wine - shop 两人满身灰尘走进酒店,十分口渴。
Half of the mian collateral channels are centred at the sole of the feet and is the mirror of the human body due to the nerve links of the organs at the feet . so the massage and stimulation on the soles can adust the body ' s blance and ease nerves 脚部是人体经络汇集的地方之一,人体内各器官均在脚部有特定的反射区,故对脚部按摩和刺激,能激发人体内潜在机能,调整身体失衡状态,舒缓全身紧张,达到防病治病效果,有自我保健和延年益寿的效果。