Being together isn ' t agelong , loving you is eternal 在一起不是永恒的,爱你才是永恒的。
It starts from agelong store of mr . chen , going round as yet at gu lang yu 作为鼓浪屿的四大名小吃之一,始源于公元1821年的巷口鱼丸铺-陈氏老店,在鼓浪屿流传至今。
A spellbinding story of the ancient chinese hero da yu and his mythical lover yao ji , who gave up their love to help the people overcome their agelong flooding problem . a magnificent journey into the heartland of beautiful music 一时无两的优秀创作群,将家传户晓的大禹治水为经,巫山神女峰传奇为辅的神话故事,演绎成凄美动人、荡气回肠、具中国文化特色的传奇歌剧。
Help others actively , do a good work , for public interest , sacrifice for other interest the interest of own individual , give pregnant of troops make up of the old and weak actively on the bus offer one ' s seat to sb for instance , send hospital first aid the danger heavy patient that falls in street , agelong and contributory need the person of the help and do not take a full name , going abroad the circumstance with the finite quota of people such as tone endowment falls to let quota of people actively to others , etc 主动帮助别人,做好事,为公众利益、为他人利益牺牲自己个人的利益,比如在公交车上主动给老弱病残孕让座,把倒在街头的危重病人送到医院急救,长年捐助需要帮助的人而不留姓名,在出国调资等名额有限的情况下主动把名额让给别人,等等。