Tesh , r . b . and d . a . shroyer 1980 the mechanism of arbovirus transovarial transmission in mosquitoes : san angelo virus in aedes albopictus . am . j . trop . mod . hyg . , 29 ( 6 ) : 1 394 1 404 郭晓霞,赵彤言,董言德,等. 2003 .白纹伊蚊经滞育卵传递登革型病毒的实验研究.中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 14 ( 1 ) : 9 11
Entomologist stephen doggett , who runs the nsw health arbovirus program which monitors mosquitoes and the diseases they carry is firmly in the deet ( diethyl toluamide ) camp 负责新南威尔士卫生局虫媒病毒项目的昆虫学家斯蒂芬?多格特赞成使用避蚊胺。该项目监控蚊子和它们自身携带的多种疾病。
Entomologist stephen doggett , who runs the nsw health arbovirus program which monitors mosquitoes and the diseases they carry is firmly in the deet ( diethyl toluamide ) camp 是推动新南威尔士健康中心蚊虫病毒进程的昆虫学家,他观察到蚊虫和其所带病菌被牢牢锁定在deet驱蚊剂(二乙基甲苯酰胺)中
Entomologist stephen doggett , who runs the nsw health arbovirus program which monitors mosquitoes and the diseases they carry is firmly in the deet ( diethyl toluamide ) camp 昆虫学家斯蒂芬.多格特在运营一个称之为nsw健康虫媒病毒项目,通过监控蚊虫发现蚊虫身上携带的病毒确定是在deet (二乙基甲苯酰胺)中。
Entomologist stephen doggett , who runs the nsw health arbovirus program which monitors mosquitoes and the diseases they carry is firmly in the deet ( diethyl toluamide ) camp 昆虫学家斯蒂芬?道格特主持研究新南威尔士州防病毒计划,这个小组监控着蚊子和其携带的病菌,这些病菌被养殖在避蚊氨(二乙基甲苯酰胺)的环境之中。