Two species , k . borneensis and k . lanceolata , have this type . in type 2 , the seed surface is areolate with prominent lumina and sunken muri Verrucosa属负网纹型,其种子表面具负网纹,网眼凸起,网脊凹陷;异形南五味子k
Under sem the surface pattern of the seeds shows some variation among the species and three types have been observed , i . e . ( 1 ) nearly smooth , ( 2 ) areolate and ( 3 ) reticulate 在扫描电镜下种子表面特征有种间差异,可分为三种类型,即: ( 1 )近平滑型、 ( 2 )负网纹型、 ( 3 )网纹型。