| 1. | What is the asco code for nominated occupation 指定职业的asco代码是什么? |
| 2. | Asco american society on contemporary ophthalmology 美国当代眼科学会 |
| 3. | Article 9 . the asco shall have a complete and perfect international personality 第九条亚洲安全合作组织具有完全的法律人格。 |
| 4. | Article 7 . the working languages of asco organs are chinese , russian and english 亚洲安全合作组织各机关的工作语言为汉语、俄语和英语。 |
| 5. | Article 4 . asco shall have a standing council as its decision - making organ , a board of executors as its executive organ , and a board of supervisors as its supervising organ 第四条亚洲安全合作组织得设议事会、理事会和监事会为其治理机构。 |
| 6. | The board of executors is in charge of coordinating the relationships among these departments and that between the asa and the armies of asco member countries 理事会得设征训部、参谋部、后勤部、装备部、财务部、维和部、反恐部、救援部等部门,以过半数票通过决议得任命和撤免其主管首长。 |
| 7. | The symposium is cosponsored by asco with the american gastroenterology association institute , the american society for therapeutic radiology and oncology , and the society for surgical oncology 这次座谈会是有美国临床肿瘤学会和美国胃肠道协会,美国放射治疗学和肿瘤学学会,美国外科肿瘤学会共同赞助的。 |
| 8. | Whenever asa troops need stationing and training or doing any other proper things on the territory of a member country , it is necessary for asco to have an agreement with the government of that member country beforehand 亚安军部队在成员国领土上驻扎、集训或进行其他必要的活动,须由亚洲安全合作组织与各该成员国政府以协议为之。 |
| 9. | If something happens and the asa troops have to pass through the territory ( including territory airs and waters ) of an asco member country to fulfill their tasks in accordance with this treaty , the latter must provide them with a right of urgent passage , not bound by the stipulation in above section 如遇亚安军为执行本条约规定任务须通过成员国领土(包括领海和领空)之特殊情况时,各成员国应为其提供紧急过境权,不受上款规定之限制。 |
| 10. | If any of the asco member countries were invaded by country or countries outside this area , being invited by lawful government ( s ) of the invaded , with decision and arrangements made by the board of executors by two - thirds majority including china and russia , all member countries must provide the invaded countries with necessary forces , money and military materials and , together with asa forces , run to their rescue 在发生成员国遭受外部武装入侵的情况之下,经受侵略国合法政府请求,并经亚洲安全合作组织理事会以包括中国和俄罗斯在内的三分之二多数票做出决定和安排,各成员国得提供必要的军队、经费和作战物资,与亚安军各部队一道,共同为受侵略国提供援助。 |