| 1. | Echoes of the atayal - the hot springs of wulai 呼唤那鲁湾-乌来汤 |
| 2. | The atayal learned from there natural evironment everything they needed to know in order to flourish for generations 但是,人类的贪念辜负了大自然的赐与,现在都要用劳力才能换取温饱。 |
| 3. | For those willing to sample something unusual , there are also " dama noodles . " despite the name it s not actually a noodle dish , but rather a raw meat preparation devised by atayal hunters 敢于尝试新口味的游客,还可以来上一道山地沙西米达麻面,那可不是什么面食,而是原住民为了贮藏食物而发明的一种美食。 |
| 4. | As an old atayal lady explains , hunters often spent months in the hills , and in order to keep the game from rotting before they returned to the tribe , they learned to pack the flesh in millet to ferment 泰雅婆婆解释,过去上山打猎的猎人,耗时数月,打到的山猪山羌苦花鱼等生鲜,就混入小米中一起发酵,好带下山来分享族人。 |
| 5. | But at the atayal delicacies store , at the start of wulai street , you can enjoy treats such as bamboo - tube rice - hand - prepared by old atayal ladies - along with patties of taro rice and pumpkin rice wrapped in pinstripe ginger leaves 而在乌来街入口处的泰雅美食店,可以吃到泰雅婆婆道地手艺的竹筒饭,和以月桃叶包裹糯米的芋头饭南瓜饭。 |
| 6. | Several centuries ago , when the atayal arrived here at the confluence of the nanshih and tungho creeks , they found steam and water emerging through clefts in the rock and exclaimed : " kirofu - ulai ! - meaning " hot and poisonous . 数百年前,泰雅族人来到南势溪和桶后溪会合的地方,发现岩隙中涌出冒烟的烫水,于是惊呼kirofu - ulai ,意思是烫!危险有毒。 |
| 7. | It s far from easy to find examples of authentic aboriginal handicrafts on the streets of wulai today , and items such as deer - horn necklaces and bags or bracelets of atayal fabric can only be found at the ko - nu - ssu store beside the town s lansheng bridge 走在乌来街上,想要寻找较具原住民特色的手工艺品并不容易,唯有揽胜大桥旁的格努斯可以找到鹿角项?泰雅织布袋或手? 。 |
| 8. | As you approach wulai along the winding road from hsintien , you begin to notice that the roadside barriers are decorated with a mosaic of geometric patterns in black , white and red , resembling the textile designs of the atayal people . for visitors seeking the tranquillity of the mountains and forests , this is the sign that wulai is not far ahead 车子由新店沿著蜿蜒的新乌公路台九甲省道往乌来驶去,路边的水泥护栏贴著黑白红马赛克磁砖拼贴的几何图案,像是一匹匹的泰雅布织,指点著寻幽的游客奔向山林。 |