Atharvaveda means the veda of the wise and the old 阿达婆吠陀意思是明智和古老的吠陀。
About one seventh of the atharvaveda text is common to the rigveda 大约有七分之一的阿达婆吠陀是与梨俱吠陀共通的。
Although later in age , the atharvaveda reveals a more primitive culture than the rigveda 尽管后者占了大部分,阿达婆吠陀还是呈现出比梨俱吠陀更原始的文化。
Atharvaveda contains about 6 thousand verses forming 731 poems and a small portion in prose 阿达婆吠陀包含了大鸡六千句韵文,形成了731首诗和一小部分散文。
The custom is to enumerate yajurveda and samaveda after the rigveda , and mention atharvaveda last 习惯上是先列举利俱吠陀,然后就是夜柔吠陀和娑摩吠陀,最后才是阿婆达吠陀。
The whole of rigveda and most of atharvaveda are in the form of poetry , or hymns to the deities and the elements 整个梨俱吠陀和大部分的咒文吠陀都以诗的格式写成,用赞美诗去赞美神性和宇宙元素。
Atharvaveda contains first class poetry coming from visionary poets , much of it being glorification of the curative powers of herbs and waters 阿达婆吠陀包含了来自好幻想的诗人的第一类诗集,很多都是赞颂草药和水的治疗力量。