Pepsico international said on saturday it would build a snacks production plant in the russian town of azov and invest $ 170 million over five years in the project 百事公司上周六宣布,将在俄罗斯亚述海沿线城镇建立一家快餐制造厂,并在今后的5年对该项目投入1 . 7亿美元的资金。
Russian president vladimir putin has called for an official investigation into the mine disaster and also into tuesday ' s fire that killed at least 62 people in a nursing home near the sea of azov , in southern russia 俄罗斯总统普京下令对矿难以及俄罗斯南部亚速海附近一个养老院星期二发生的火灾展开正式调查。火灾至少造成62人丧生。上星期六萨马拉发生空难,造成7人丧生。