Florence is the birthplace of the italian renaissance , and a city built by many geniuses . our walking tour shows us the duomo , the bronze doors of the baptistry called the door of paradise , signoria square , and the 13c santa croce basilica where michelangelo , machiavelli , and others are buried . you will have a chance to shop in a major leather factory outlet store 伟圣约翰受洗堂,以白色和绿色大理石建成,呈八角形,最著名的是铜铸浮雕的天堂之门,描绘了圣经的故事乔陶钟楼,是十三世纪建筑家乔陶的作品其他如?政厅西纽利亚广场圣十字教堂等,名胜古迹非常丰富,有机会参观皮件工厂直销门? ,选购义大利皮革制品。