Peter batchelor , deputy director of dti said : " the uk is at the heart of invention and innovation in new materials and process technologies for the display and lighting industries )的巴察莱先生表示: “英国是在显示和照明行业、新材料和加工技术这两个领域发明和革新的中心。
Led by peter batchelor , deputy director technology , uk department of trade and industry " dti " and chris williams , co - founder , uk displays network ltd , the delegation comprises leading figures in the uks display and lighting industry specialising in oled technology , flexible display technology , optical films for general display use and novel lcd tv backlighting technology ) -英国贸工部主管( dti )科技副署长;以及威廉斯先生-英国显示器网络有限公司的共同创办人,共同带领,并由来自于英国显示和照明领域