n. 1.【修辞学】顿降法〔由庄重突转庸俗之法〕;虎头蛇尾。 2.假悲哀;过分的感伤,感伤癖。 3.陈腐,平凡。
Example Sentences:
He'll never be able to emerge from his bathos of coarseness and ignorance . 他永远也不能从他那粗野无知中解脱出来。
They flounder about between fustian in expression , and bathos in sentiment ( william hazlitt 他们陷入在口头上夸夸其谈,在感情上矫柔造作的泥潭之中(威廉?哈兹里特) 。
“ they flounder about between fustian in expression , and bathos in sentiment ” ( william hazlitt ) “他们陷入在口头上夸夸其谈,在感情上矫柔造作的泥潭之中” (威廉?哈兹里特) 。
As an ap photographer , worth covered the events leading up to world war ii . worth ' s war was one that went from high excitement to moments of bathos 作为美联社的摄影记者,沃思报道过导致第二次世界大战的事件。沃思经历了战争的最兴奋时期,直到战争的最后时刻。
There are many salt pans , fish farms , brushwood and gullies . when fish farms are drained in winter after yielding , fish surviving at the bottom of ponds and bathos will become the rich food source of water birds , and abandoned fish farms will be like natural swarms and habitats of birds 此区多为盐田、鱼瘟、灌木丛、潮沟,鱼瘟冬季收成放乾后,池底残存的鱼类及底栖生物提供水鸟丰富的觅食环境,而废弃的鱼瘟则形成半天然的沼泽则成为鸟类栖息地。
I like you more than i can say ; but i ll not sink into a bathos of sentiment : and with this needle of repartee i ll keep you from the edge of the gulf too ; and , moreover , maintain by its pungent aid that distance between you and myself most conducive to our real mutual advantage 尽管我对你的喜欢,非言语所能表达,但我不愿落入多情善感的流俗,我要用这巧辩的锋芒,让你悬崖勒马。除此之外,话中带刺,有助于保持我们之间对彼此都很有利的距离。 ”
Most tidal areas in sihcao are distributed near the outlet to the sea where the salt content is low and water flows slowly . therefore , they are ideal habitats for animals and plants and nourish a wide variety of bathos , such as fish , shrimps and shells . when low tide comes , we can see flocks of birds and packs of fiddler crabs come seeking food in these areas 四草地区的潮间带多分布于出海口,因为此地位于河海交界,盐分较低、水流缓慢,适合动、植物栖息,孕育丰富的鱼虾贝类等底栖生物,退潮时经常吸引成群的鸟类及招潮蟹前来觅食。