n. 〔古语〕利益〔仅用于词片语 for sb.'s behoof等中〕。 for [in, on, to] sb.'s behoof = for [in, on, to ] the behoof of sb. 为了某人,为某人的利益 (The money was spent for his own behoof. 那笔钱是为他自己花的。 For whose behoof is this done 做这件事为了谁?)。
Example Sentences:
The money was spent for his own behoof . 那笔钱是为他自己花的。
Frankly, the resident is heavily burdened these days, and it behooves us all not to add to his concerns . 坦率地说,这些日子站长事情太多,我们都不应再让他分心。
" it behooves him well , if he be still in life , " responded the townsman “要是他还活着,是该由他来办的, ”那镇上人附和着说。
Men call me wise . if sages were ever wise in their own behoof , i might have foreseen all this 人们都认为我聪明,如果智者有自知之明,我早就该预见到这一切了。
Since you are the celestial favorite , it behooves you to be out and about showing your face to the world 因为你是天生的幸运儿,这段时间你出门大吉,应多出去露露脸。
It behooves you , therefore , to exhort her to repentance , and to confession , as a proof and consequence thereof . 因此,应该由你来规劝她悔过和招供,以证明你尽职尽责并非枉然。 ”
Your create your reality according to your beliefs and expectations , therefore it behooves you to examine them carefully 你按照你的信念和期望创造了自己的现实,所以你理应由对它们审慎地检查。
But it behooves us to develop spiritual wisdom along with scientific discovery . otherwise , well be in danger of imbalance ; our way of life will become too one - sided 不过,我们在进行科学研究的同时,也应该发展灵性智慧,否则会有失衡的危险。
It would be greatly for the public behoof , if we women , being of mature age and church - members in good repute , should have the handling of such malefactresses as this hester prynne 要是我们这些上了一把年纪名声又好的教会会友,能够处置海丝特白兰那种坏女人,倒是给大伙办了件好事。
The devil and the deep sea . - he will have it that hamlet is a ghoststory , john eglinton said for mr best s behoof . like the fat boy in pickwick he wants to make our flesh creep “他想把哈姆莱特说成是个鬼怪故事, ”约翰埃格林顿替贝斯特先生解释说, “像匹克威克里的胖小子似的,他想把我们吓得毛骨悚然。