There can be no question of the belgrano having ditched diplomacy in new york . 根本谈不上贝尔格拉诺号事件破坏了纽约外交活动的问题。
With sinking of the belgrano the possibility of a negotiated agreement was killed . 击沉贝尔格拉诺号事件断送了通过谈判达成协议的可能。
Bolatti , of argentina ' s belgrano de cordoba , is set to move to europe at the end of this season , which was confirmed by his club ' s president , armando perez yesterday 阿根廷科尔多瓦市贝尔格拉诺俱乐部的保拉迪,预定在这个赛季结束后转会欧洲,他的俱乐部主席佩雷斯昨天也已经证实