Last night i again saw you smiling benignly 昨夜又见到你那慈祥的笑颜了
Father conmee greeted them more than once benignly 康米神父一次又一次慈祥地朝他们还礼。
When activated , a stack probe reaches benignly into memory by the amount of space required to store the associated function s local variables 堆栈探测激活时,它在内存中良性延伸存储关联函数的局部变量所需的空间量。
He seems like a benignly wise , paternal figure compared with wall street ' s 1980s icon , gordon gekko4 , whose immortal words were " greed is good . 与华尔街20世纪80年代的偶像哥登节科相比,哥伦布看起来就象一个慈祥而明智的父亲形象
The rational use of water and soil resources is the most important things which make the regional economy develop continuedly and keep the ecotope benignly circle 水土资源的合理利用是保证一个地区经济持续发展、保持生态环境良性循环的基础。
Well , is everything ready , vassilitch ? said the count , rubbing his bald head ; and looking benignly at the officer and the orderly , he nodded to them “呶,怎么样,都搞好了吗,瓦西里奇? ”伯爵搔搔自己的秃顶说,和蔼地看看军官和勤务兵,向他们点头致意。