Article 45 criminal liabilities shall be meted out to bigamists and those who has committed family violence or maltreated or deserted any family member so seriously as to have constituted a crime 第四十五条对重婚的,对实施家庭暴力或虐待、遗弃家庭成员构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
Mr . rochester continued , hardily and recklessly : bigamy is an ugly word ! - i meant , however , to be a bigamist ; but fate has out - manoeuvred me , or providence has checked me , - perhaps the last 罗切斯特先生厚着脸皮毫不在乎地说下去。 “重婚是一个丑陋的字眼!然而我有意重婚,但命运却挫败了我,或者上天制止了我一也许是后者。