The most famous stars in the world are usually not bigheaded , maybe it ' s their down to earth attitude that got them where they are today 世上最红的明星,大多数也不会在别人面前耍大牌,就是这样没架子的态度才令他们成功。
Bloom in babylinen and pelisse , bigheaded , with a caul of dark hair , fixes big eyes on her fluid slip and counts its bronze buckles with a chubby finger , his moist tongue tolling and lisping 裹着襁褓和斗篷,脑袋挺大,乌黑的头发恰似胎膜。一双大眼睛盯着她那晃来晃去的衬裙,用胖嘟嘟的指头数着上面的青铜扣子。