Words like hurts , stinging , soreness , suicide , dizziness , crying , throw out , uncomfortable , bloatedness were consistently used by children who rated their pain intensity as 4 or higher on the pain scale 住院儿童常合并多种的不适经验,多数会主诉三种不适的现象,且使用描述疼痛的字言多达57种,但常被使用的是痛、针刺感、酸痛、及胀痛。
Bloatedness , more applicants than available jobs ; link up and coordinate scarcely between departments , emphasize one ' s own interests excessively , can not see the overall situation , ca n ' t see the relation between departments ; the business flow is not perfect enough , every link is set up and owed rationally 机构臃肿、人浮于事;部门之间缺乏沟通与协调,过分强调自身利益,看不到全局,看不到部门之间的关系;业务流程不够完善,各环节设置欠合理。