| 1. | The blood - stained glove told of the bandit ' s crime 血迹斑斑的手套就是匪徒的罪证。 |
| 2. | Blood - stained street games - 4455 miniclip games 血染街头小游戏- 4399小游戏 |
| 3. | Blood - stained street introduction 血染街头游戏攻略 |
| 4. | His clothes were blood - stained , so we suspected that he was a murderer 他的衣服上血迹斑斑,所以我们怀疑他是凶手。 |
| 5. | There it is , all blood - stained , on the desk , as a testimony of the crime . 血迹斑斑的,在那张桌子上,充作物证。 ” |
| 6. | 4455 blood - stained street games 更多同类游戏 |
| 7. | Blood - stained street games 血染街头小游戏 |
| 8. | Blood - stained street 血染街头 |
| 9. | It is always wise to consult your doctor if you have blood - stained stool or suspect that you have haemorrhoid 如果发现大便带血或怀疑患上痔疮的话,你应徵询医生的专业意见。 |
| 10. | A 10 - pound blood - stained dumbbell belonging to a family member was believed to have been used by the culprit to attack the girl 一个染有血迹重十磅属于死者家人的哑铃,相信被凶徒用以袭击该女童。 |