This rather bloodcurdling recital, delivered with the usual achesonian aplomb, startled the british . 这种颇有点令人毛骨悚然的议论,以艾奇逊式一贯的沉着自若的腔调发表出来,使英国人为之骇然。
The war whoop of the american indian was bloodcurdling 美洲印第安人的作战喊杀声使人毛骨悚然。
Japan is not so bloodcurdling place , want you to know self - effacing another person only , not too actuation , need not be afraid of cannily quite 日本不是那么恐怖的地方,只要你懂得谦让他人,不要太冲动,够机灵就不用怕了。
As if awaiting this signal , the multitudes outside pressed forward , their bloodcurdling war - cries rolling over the city as they mobilized with singular purpose : to destroy all within their path 就像一直在等这一信号似的,城外的大群兽人终于向前逼近,他们那令人毛骨悚然的战斗怒吼席卷了整座城,而他们发动战争唯一的企图就是:摧毁他们脚下的一切。
On tv , hopkins played roles as varied yet somehow intertwined as adolph hitler , accused lindbergh - baby kidnapper bruno richard hauptmann , and the hunchback of notre dame . in 1991 , hopkins won an academy award for his bloodcurdling portrayal of murderer hannibal " the cannibal " lecter in the silence of the lambs 92年,霍普金斯还在影片惊情四百年barm stoker s dracula 1992中出色地饰演了一位研究吸血鬼的专家。
Yoko listens to the message , which is dated three days in the future , and hears her own voice saying " it s started raining . " the short message is followed by a bloodcurdling scream . several days later , the events heard in the message actually occur , and yoko meets a gruesome death . . 神秘男子山下堤真一此时出现,冒死助由美破解厄运,原来山下的妹妹亦是受害者期限将至,种种线索将由美引领到一所弃置的旧医院,内里阴森可怖,在破解手机留言谜底的关键时刻,最恐怖的凶灵直扑眼前