The boulanger movement and french republic crisis 抛体运动的计算机模拟
Jenny : who said i ' m not going to keep at it , for god ' s sake . i ' m going to study with nadia boulanger , aren ' t i 詹妮:看在上帝的份上,谁说我不会保持下去呢?我不是就要去拜娜佳?布朗热为师吗?
Then , the two third he danced with miss king , and the two fourth with maria lucas , and the two fifth with jane again , and the two sixth with lizzy , and the boulanger - 他第三场舞是跟金小姐跳的,第四场跟玛丽雅卢卡斯跳,第五场又跟吉英跳,第六场是跟丽萃跳,还有布朗谢。 ”
The salon was filled with the works of modern artists ; there were landscapes by dupr , with their long reeds and tall trees , their lowing oxen and marvellous skies ; delacroix s arabian cavaliers , with their long white burnouses , their shining belts , their damasked arms , their horses , who tore each other with their teeth while their riders contended fiercely with their maces ; aquarelles of boulanger , representing n ? tre dame de paris with that vigor that makes the artist the rival of the poet ; there were paintings by diaz , who makes his flowers more beautiful than flowers , his suns more brilliant than the sun ; designs by decamp , as vividly colored as those of salvator rosa , but more poetic ; pastels by giraud and muller , representing children like angels and women with the features of a virgin ; sketches torn from the album of dauzats " travels in the east , " that had been made in a few seconds on the saddle of a camel , or beneath the dome of a mosque - in a word , all that modern art can give in exchange and as recompense for the art lost and gone with ages long since past 客厅里挂满了近代画家的作品,有杜佩雷的风景画:长长的芦苇和高大的树木,哞哞叫的奶牛和明朗的天空有德拉克络画的阿拉伯骑侠:身穿白色的长袍,把着闪闪发光的腰带,戴着铁套的纹章,他们的马用牙互相嘶咬,骑在马上的人却在用他们的狼子棒凶猛地格斗拼杀布郎热的水彩画,色彩极其动人,以致使画家成了诗人的仇敌有边亚兹的油画,他使他的花比真花还鲜艳,太阳比真的太阳还灿烂有德网的图案画,色彩象萨尔瓦多罗联萨的画一样生动,但却富于诗意有吉罗和米勒的粉笔画,把小孩子画得象天使安琪儿,把女人画得象仙女般美貌有从多萨的东方之行画册上撕下来的速写,那些速写都是画家在驼峰上或回教寺院的殿堂下只花了几秒钟的时间勾成的。