There are also two common law holidays on good friday and christmas day and a public holiday on the anniversary of the battle of the boyne ( 12 july ) 还有两个习惯法假日耶稣受难节和圣诞节和一个公众假日拜恩战役纪念日( 7月12日) 。
Along with several other ancient monuments , it stands on a low ridge over - looking the boyne valley , a place famed in myth and legend 它与其它几座古代墓碑一样,矗立在一座低矮的山脊之上,俯瞰着一个以神话传说而闻名的地区? ?波恩河谷。
When chief technology officer jeremy boynes joined gluecode software , he brought first - hand knowledge of the possibilities that come with combining open source software and enterprise application development 当首席技术官jeremy boynes加入gluecode software时,他带来了关于将开源软件和企业级应用开发相结合的第一手资料。
Mr boyne , who works for military magazine jane ' s intelligence review . articles he wrote in 1997 were plagiarized for a 19 - page intelligence document to add weight to the pm ' s warmongering 肖恩?博伊恩是军事杂志《简氏军事评论》的记者,他在1997年写的文章经过政府的"一番取舍" ,竟摇身一变出现在了一份长达19页的政府文件中,为首相布莱尔的战争主张摇旗呐喊。
After the recent announcement of ibm s acquisition of gluecode , we sat down with one of geronimo s main contributors and cto of gluecode , jeremy boynes , to hear his perspectives on geronimo , java directions , and the state of open source 在最近ibm宣布收购gluecode公司后,我们与jeremy boynes ( geronimo的主要创建者和gluecode的cto )进行了座谈,聆听了他对geronimo 、 java未来发展方向和开源状况的展望。