You give away horses worth a thousand louis ; you save the lives of ladies of high rank and beauty ; under the name of major brack you run thoroughbreds ridden by tiny urchins not larger than marmots ; then , when you have carried off the golden trophy of victory , instead of setting any value on it , you give it to the first handsome woman you think of ! 您拿价值一千路易的马来送人您救了一位既有地位又漂亮的太太的性命您以布莱克参谋先生的名义去参加赛马,派去了纯种的骏马和并不比土拨鼠大多少的骑师当您夺得了奖杯以后,却毫不珍惜它,把它送给了您所想得到的第一个漂亮女人。 ”
Three and eleven she paid for those stockings in sparrow s of george s street on the tuesday , no the monday before easter and there wasn t a brack on them and that was what he was looking at , transparent , and not at her insignificant ones that had neither shape nor form the cheek of her 她在乔治街的斯帕罗商店花三先令十一便士买下了这双长袜。那是星期二,不是复活节前的星期一。他定睛望着的正是这双连一根线也没绽的透明袜子,而不是西茜那双毫无可取一点样儿也没有的袜子真是丢人现眼!